US Army EC 1110-2-6000 Engineering Circular (Draft)


with Robert Youngs, Maury Power, Roseanne Perman, Paul Somerville, Yusof Ghanaat et al. Engineering Design Manual EC1110-2-6000 Prepared for United States Army Corps of Engineers, 500 pp., 2008. AMEC Geomatrix, Inc. and Quest Structures, Inc. (G. Wang co-authored Chapters 4 “Ground Motion Characterization” and Chapter 6 “Design Acceleration Time Histories”.


This manual provides guidance for the selection of design earthquakes and associated design vibratory ground motions for the seismic design and evaluation of all civil works structures. The overall scope and organization of the manual is as follows:

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to and overview of the criteria, processes, and methodologies involved in selecting design earthquakes and ground motions used in the design and evaluation of civil works structures.

The overarching USACE criteria for the definition of and methodologies for selecting design ground motions and ground motions are summarized in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3 describes the basic processes and methodologies for characterizing seismic sources that may be the sources of design earthquakes and ground motions for facilities design.

Chapter 4 describes the various methods that can be used for estimating the significant characteristics of ground motions as a function of the seismic source characteristics, source-to site travel path, and local site conditions.

Chapter 5 presents the methodologies for defining design earthquakes and ground motions for facility sites using the characterizations of seismic sources developed in Chapter 3 and the methods for estimating ground motions in Chapter 4. The focus in Chapter 5 is on the development of design response spectra of ground motions. Chapter 6 continues the development of design ground motions, but the focus in Chapter 6 is on development of design acceleration time histories.